Topics: small business it support, Managed IT Services, IT Managed Services
Topics: Managed IT Services, IT Strategy Planning
Topics: Small Business IT Resources, small business it support, Managed IT Services, small business solutions, proactive problem solving, New Hampshire IT, Utilizing Technology in Business, small business IT infrastructure, IT best practices, IT infrastructure, IT Strategy, Networking, interviews, IT Strategy Planning
When I speak with other business owners, I field many variations of the question,"Would managed services benefit my company?"
As with most things, the answer is: It depends. Although we have an inherent desire for simple black-and-white answers, the reality is that some companies benefit from managed IT services and some do not. Let's take a closer look.
Topics: Small Business IT Resources, small business it support, Managed IT Services, small business solutions, IT Managed Services, Utilizing Technology in Business, small business IT infrastructure, IT best practices, IT Strategy
Topics: Small Business IT Resources, small business it support, Managed IT Services, IT Security
There are a number of IT services that offer to audit your business and identify your IT issues. You should be careful about jumping in to do an IT audit without understanding its purpose. The issues an audit identifies – antivirus issues, spam issues, server issues, security risks – are symptoms of an IT infrastructure that is out of alignment. The natural reaction for any business owner will be to fix those issues. However, implementing an IT process that aligns IT to the business at the lowest overall cost solves not only the symptoms but the underlying cause: taking a reactive vs. proactive approach to IT management.
Topics: small business it support, Managed IT Services, IT best practices, IT infrastructure investment
Technology in the 21st Century changes more rapidly than ever, and if small-business owners aren’t careful, they can end up spending all of their time putting out fires, updating equipment and worrying about security threats. Small businesses may find it difficult to support the cost of a full IT department to handle their IT management.
Topics: Managed IT Services, IT Management, IT best practices, IT infrastructure investment
Topics: small business it support, Managed IT Services, IT Managed Services, IT best practices
I was talking to a business owner the other day who asked me “If I’m in the cloud, what do I need IT services for?” Inwardly, I groaned, because this is a question I’m hearing more often these days – and it represents a misunderstanding about the ‘magic’ of cloud services. The cloud is powerful, and has the ability to save companies thousands of dollars on things like the upkeep of a data center, but ultimately it’s just another deployment model. A deployment model with its own set of challenges, risks and questions that need answering.
Topics: Managed IT Services, IT Managed Services, virtual CIO, IT best practices, IT Strategy, cloud services, IT services guide
Being unable to update Windows 7 is a serious security risk for a small business and may also lead to other operational problems. Windows Update is a great service, but is not flawless. At times, users need to reset it for it to work properly. Please note, that I do not recommend that you edit your registry yourself! Following the links in this article may lead you to suggestions for registry edits. If you edit your registry, do not have a backup and make a mistake, you may not be able to recover.
Topics: Managed IT Services, Windows 7
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